How Does the Bankruptcy Affect Credit? About 60 days after your bankruptcy is discharged, you should pull your credit reports again. The bankruptcy should be on your credit report and any accounts included in the bankruptcy should be noted as “Included in Bankruptcy” and reflect a $0 balance. If the account still holds a balance, you should contact the creditor to how to check credit score Laredo make the correction, and challenge the item on your credit report. credit report Additionally, if the account is noted as open or in collections or in any other way except Included in Bankruptcy, you need to notify the creditor or collection agency immediately. If an amount is showing as still owed, the creditor may be in violation of the Discharge Order, as you do not owe anything on the debt after the discharge. free credit report site It will be difficult to obtain a loan or credit after you file bankruptcy. Especially if you try to do so immediately after the discharge. Expect this for at least a how to check credit score Laredo year, and when you are able to obtain credit, also expect to pay extremely high interest rates.
You probably won’t be eligible for a somewhat reasonable line of credit with a reasonable interest rate until around 2 years after your discharge, and this is if you manage to how to check credit score Laredo keep everything clean on your credit report during that time period. credit history reports Additionally, more employers are pulling credit reports when considering applicants and you may have how to check credit score Laredo to pay large deposits with utility companies and phone companies.
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